Use FEEL4 to make your million

Let's get straight to it! Can you really make a million?
Yes, of course you can.
How do I know this?
Because it is a fact. In the UK right now, due to the crazy world we live in, there are many people who simply made a million on their property. They were just lucky due to circumstance. They bought years ago and the price went up. So, yes, it is a fact, not only can you definitely make a million, but you can do so with little effort and luck.
The real question is, can you make a million now, with the world being in such a weird financial place, everything seems to be over priced and far from your average salary.
The answer is still 100% yes.
One thing I know for sure is, for most people the route to making a million follows these simple steps:
The will to make a million has to start within you.
Besides starting within you, your will has to also be so steadfast that nothing is going to stop you from reaching that goal.
To reach that goal - set a GOAL! Do not overthink it, if you do not have your own ideas, base your goal on something tangible that you know has worked for others. I heard of a man who made millions selling hotdogs, another coat hangers. If there is a product people want and you can sell it, SELL IT! The secret is to sell it better than your competitors.
Enjoy the journey and be realistic, there will be hard times. It is true, when the going gets tough the millionaires keep going! The other key way to enjoy the journey is to choose to do something you "enjoy", something that gets your passions flowing every single time you tell others what you do.
Be kind to everyone you deal with on your way to a million. Every person you deal with will remember how you treat them and one day you may need them to be kind to you.
The will to make a million has to start within you.
Besides starting within you, your will has to also be so steadfast that nothing is going to stop you from reaching that goal.
To reach that goal - set a GOAL! Do not overthink it, if you do not have your own ideas, base your goal on something tangible that you know has worked for others. I heard of a man who made millions selling hotdogs, another coat hangers. If there is a product people want and you can sell it, SELL IT! The secret is to sell it better than your competitors.
Enjoy the journey and be realistic, there will be hard times. It is true, when the going gets tough the millionaires keep going! The other key way to enjoy the journey is to choose to do something you "enjoy", something that gets your passions flowing every single time you tell others what you do.
Be kind to everyone you deal with on your way to a million. Every person you deal with will remember how you treat them and one day you may need them to be kind to you.
One thing is certain. If you don't constantly take a step towards making your first million then guess what!? You will never make a million!
I started FEEL4 - a four step formula that guarantees success because it guarantees success by always instructing you to keep focused and energized to engage and learn every step of the way to achieving your goal.
The learning process is important. People have made a million before and they are sharing their lessons learnt for free. Yes, for free! Where? Everywhere, YouTube, websites, there are so many places online to visit and there are also physical real world seminars too. Importantly, every single one of these people used the FEEL4 formula without realising it. That is exactly why I created the formula, to find out what everyone who has been successful did to get there and to wrap that up into a simple formula.
I want to kick you off here with sharing some of the best videos I have found from successful people willing to share their journey to being wealthy. Take look, watch and rewatch until everything they say sinks in:
Hey! My name is Leila Hormozi, welcome to my YouTube channel. If you are interested in how to be a better business owner, you have come to the right place. I am the CEO of and CO-Founder of Gym Launch, Prestige Labs, and ALAN. I have learned a lot about entrepreneurship in a short period of time and use this channel as a way to give back to the entrepreneurial community.
I don't sell courses, coaching or masterminds, I simply put this content out there in hopes that I can help others starting and scaling businesses, succeed with less pain.
If you have ever asked the following questions, make sure to subscribe. How do I start a business? How do I scale my business to $1,000,000? What systems should I put in place in my business? How do I become a millionaire?
I am going to be answering these and many more #Mozination
I don't sell courses, coaching or masterminds, I simply put this content out there in hopes that I can help others starting and scaling businesses, succeed with less pain.
If you have ever asked the following questions, make sure to subscribe. How do I start a business? How do I scale my business to $1,000,000? What systems should I put in place in my business? How do I become a millionaire?
I am going to be answering these and many more #Mozination
This video is about Charlie Munger's advice on how to make your first million dollars. Many people want to learn how to get their first $100,000 saved and invested and eventually hit the $1 million mark. This advice from Charlie Munger focused on compound interest, investing, and business is some of the best wisdom from legendary investor Charlie Munger. Charlie Munger is the Vice President of Berkshire Hathaway and manages the investment portfolio for the Daily Journal Corporation. He is well known as Warren Buffet's business partner. The wisdom from Charlie Munger is sourced from various Charlie Munger interviews throughout the years.
After watching this video you will have a better understanding of the following topics: How to make your first million dollars, how to get rich, Charlie Munger's investment advice, Charlie Munger's wisdom, how to make money, Charlie Munger first 100,000 dollars, investing for beginners, how to build wealth, Charlie Munger's advice on investing, Charlie Munger's Alibaba investment, compound interest, value investing, and more!
After watching this video you will have a better understanding of the following topics: How to make your first million dollars, how to get rich, Charlie Munger's investment advice, Charlie Munger's wisdom, how to make money, Charlie Munger first 100,000 dollars, investing for beginners, how to build wealth, Charlie Munger's advice on investing, Charlie Munger's Alibaba investment, compound interest, value investing, and more!
Jesse Eckel spent an entire year trying to make a million dollars from scratch, here's exactly how much he made, what he learned and the methods he used to make money.
$5,000 is NOT much money. Money goes where money knows, and people who hate money never have money.
Broke people don’t have a target big enough, because to them 5K is a big amount...but the question is, how do you turn 5k into a million?
If you had 5k and add $5,000 every year and earn 20% on it, you’ll have $1,125,000 dollars in 20 years. So how to get to 20% returns?
If you have only 10% a year, you’ll have just 320k.
Grant Cardone
Broke people don’t have a target big enough, because to them 5K is a big amount...but the question is, how do you turn 5k into a million?
If you had 5k and add $5,000 every year and earn 20% on it, you’ll have $1,125,000 dollars in 20 years. So how to get to 20% returns?
If you have only 10% a year, you’ll have just 320k.
Grant Cardone
Do you have hopes and dreams of becoming a millionaire in the future? That becomes a lot easier once you know what industry you should be in. And that’s why this video is for you. In today’s video, Dan Lok is breaking down the 9 industries most likely to make you a millionaire.
Experience Dan Lok Live (In Person Or Virtual) And Discover The Secrets To Scaling Your Business Join Us ►
Experience Dan Lok Live (In Person Or Virtual) And Discover The Secrets To Scaling Your Business Join Us ►
Noah Kagan was 29 years old when he made his first million, here's the story...
Inside this video: How to make a million dollars fast. Plus, 5 steps for how to become a millionaire. And how to make money online.
David de las Morenas
David de las Morenas
I will stop the videos here. Hopefully you can see that there is so much information out there to help you on your way to making your first million.
Talking of belief, don't get me started on the Law of Attraction and how that can help!
Talking of belief, don't get me started on the Law of Attraction and how that can help!
Any questions, drop them in the comments below.
Search Terms: Money, Wealth, Assets, Investing, Trading, Shares, Gambling, Success, Business, Entrepreneur.
Image by Nattanan Kanchanaprat from Pixabay