Learn FEEL4 ...

By the end of this course you will understand the FEEL4 ethos and know how to apply it to anything.

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The Purpose Of Lesson 1
The purpose of this lesson is to give you a very quick overview of what FEEL4 is, who discovered it and the reason it was developed.
What Is Feel4
FEEL4 is a four step formula. It improves anything you apply it to and leads you to succeed in achieving any realistic goal you are focusing on. Furthermore, the process you go through mentally and physically will make you feel better. It is a formula every successful person uses.
FEEL4 can be used as both a mental and physical framework for defining and managing any objective. You can also used it to manage other methodologies and project management tools. For example you might want to use Teamwork to manage step three of the formula that requires you to list out the actions that you need to engage with to achieve your focus.
In essence it is a formula that encourages you to feel your way to success rather than just thinking and not taking action. It is also a philosophy to feel better about the situations you face and help others feel better by spreading goodness through your actions.
You will often see the symbol of a hand because it represents the state of feeling something, connecting, moving towards something beneficial.
What Are The Four Steps
The four steps are:
Step 1 – Focus
Step 2 – Energize
Step 3 – Engage
Step 4 – Learn
Together their first letters help form the acronym of “FEEL4”. The “4” part meaning the four steps.
Full information on what each one means and how to apply them will be provided in Lesson 4.
Who Developed FEEL4
Christian Jacques Bennett developed it.
Why Develop FEEL4
There are many reasons FEEL4 was developed. Christian's entire life path led him to his eureka moment. The business reason was born out of a desire to take his decades of project and programme management experience to create a simple process that would enable anyone using it to achieve what they want. The more personal reason was born out of his lifelong battle with feelings of anxiety, he wanted to find and use a formula that would help change his mindset and bring him a life where irrational fears didn't dominate his decisions. He also wanted a formula that would improve his emotional and physical situation after a devastating divorce meant his world fell apart. He also wanted the same formula to be used by others who found themselves in tough circumstances and needed a way back to feeling better.
Additionally he wanted the formula to fit into a wider methodology which encouraged people to take good actions that would help them to succeed at whatever they focused on doing whilst improving the lives of others at the same time. The focus could be anything from overcoming a phobia, building a business or whatever the mind can think up. He wanted a formula that could both project manage situations and provide guidance and emotional comfort in a hectic world. His ultimate aim was to structure the simplest, most powerful and dynamic improvement and attainment formula that had ever been created.
Who Can Use Feel4
Anyone can use the formula. It can be used by young or old individuals, groups and large organisations.
Congratulations you have finished Lesson 1. To continue please click open the Lesson 2 folder.
The Purpose Of Lesson 2
The purpose of this lesson is to develop a FEEL4 mindset which will enable you to get the most out of the formula and its ethos.
The BIG 3
If you have used the FEEL4 website a lot you should have noticed the blog posts focus on three main categories. They represent The BIG 3 core areas of your life which encompass all things.
Health covers both your physical, mental and spiritual health. Examples are meditation, fitness and nutrition.
Wealth covers anything that you need to produce, pay and or work for. Examples would be the job you do, the house you live in, the garden you cultivate and the products you buy and use.
Relationships covers every social interaction you have throughout your life with anyone or anything. Examples might be the interaction with family and friends, a dentist, a bond with a pet or even a plant.
If you find your life is not going great and you are feeling low in mood then you are likely neglecting to take care of one or more of The BIG 3.
FEEL4 methodology (especially professional pathfinding) uses these three categories because everything in life will in some way relate to one or more category. This makes things very easy to align to the FEEL4 way of thinking. It makes things simple and more powerful.
The Feel4 Ethos FEEL4 is more than just a formula. It is part of a goodness and positivity methodology which can become a fantastic way of life. The more you apply it to your thinking the more you will find it impacts all of your daily routine. For example, you may use it to pathfind and improve a particular situation at work, perhaps you have a sales target you need to meet. However you may also use it to take a five minute break and meditate – furthermore you might use it to plan your next holiday – and so on. The more you understand and use the formula the more you will see how you can apply it to anything you do.
It is of course entirely up to each individual to decide whether they want to use it purely for one thing at a time or whether they wish to use it for everything. This part of the course is just letting you know that you can embrace FEEL4 in its entirety if you wish to do so.
Code Of Conduct
To practice FEEL4 you must always follow its core rules which are:
You must always think positively – about every part of the formula – positive thinking is the foundation of FEEL4 – especially so when facing difficulties.
You must always take “Good” actions – by being good you will generate goodness from within and without and in generating goodness you will help others improve too.
You must always do your best – by doing your best you will give yourself the greatest chance of success.
You must never quit - it is impossible to complete a path if you stop walking it.
Code Of Conduct Example
Imagine you are focusing on cycling 60 miles for a charity. You engage by starting your training with a bicycle ride. However when you are only two miles from home your bicycle chain breaks.
With a FEEL4 positive mindset you look at the breaking of your chain as a good moment. You accept that the chain is broken and that moaning will only make the situation worse. You instead think that you are very fortunate to only be two miles from home and not further. You start listing out other positive points as a result of your situation, especially ones you can learn from, such as:
At least the chain broke now and not in the actual charity event. This means I can be prepared for it to not happen again by buying a stronger chain and carrying a spare.
I am still getting the exercise I need to get fit by having to walk the bicycle back home, I feel happy knowing this is time not wasted.
This walk back is giving me more time to think about what lessons I have already learnt during the first two miles before the chain broke. I wonder whether I also need to buy a new seat or anything else to improve my cycling experience the next time I go for a ride.
I note that I have my mobile phone on me, so if things get too difficult (like it rains) I can always phone a friend for a lift back or to bring me a new chain.
As you are walking back and thinking positively you see that someone has dumped a large plastic sheet in some bushes. With a FEEL4 mindset you realise that doing a good deed will not only help the community you live in but it will also come back to reward you through karma. Therefore you push the bike over to the plastic sheet and drape it over your handle bars so you can place it in the next bin on route home. As you walk faster you smile at your own determination to give yourself as much of a cardio workout as you can.
Basically by choosing to be good you are always generating good energy which soaks into everything around you (including you). The outcome is goodness creates a better world to live in. It is a win-win situation for everything.
Well done again, you have finished Lesson 2. To continue please click open the Lesson 3 folder.
The Purpose Of Lesson 3
The purpose of this lesson is to explain how certain terms related to “Pathfinding” fit within the FEEL4 metholodgy.
What Is A Path
A “Path” is always created whenever you use the four steps. The four steps lead you in the direction of the destination you are focusing on reaching; they take you down a physical, mental and spiritual path.
What Is Pathfinding
When you actively take the four steps – in other words when you Focus, Energize, Engage and Learn – you are what is known as “Pathfinding”. You are walking down a path. It is also a term used to describe the professional activities of a pathfinder.
What Is A Pathfinder?
Although strictly speaking a “Pathfinder” refers to anybody who practices the FEEL4 steps, it usually refers to a professional who helps clients to improve their situation.
Impressive stamina, you have finished Lesson 3. To continue please click open the Lesson 4 folder.
The Purpose Of Lesson 4
The purpose of this lesson is to provide you with further background information on each of the four steps so you can gain a better understanding of how they work together.
What Do Each Of The Steps Mean
What specifically do you need to improve and accomplish (and when)?
What things will inspire, motivate and keep you in a healthy state to attain your focus?
What things do you have to do (and when) to attain your focus? Do them!
What positive things have you learnt from the previous steps and what can you do next to improve your situation?
If you do not attain what you have been focusing on – or if you do achieve it and want to improve upon the result – then you can run back through the process again and again, as many times as you need to. Each time will enable you to clarify your situation and highlight what needs to be done.
The Nature & Order Of The Steps
The Nature
The nature of the four steps is that they are cyclical. This means that you can work through all four steps as many times as you want. The last step (if required) leads you back to step one.
Cycle Example: Steps 1,2,3,4 >>> 1,2,3,4 >>> 1,2,3,4 >>> 1,2,3,4 >>> And so on…
The reason you might want to start working through another four step path again is that by doing so you can adjust and improve on your first result.
Imagine your focus is to bake a cake today but you have never baked one in your life. Being a FEEL4 pathfinder who has used the formula to achieve other things, you decide to use the four steps to help you work out what type of cake you want to bake, how to do it and then to actually do it.
You start with a focus of “I am focusing on baking a cake by the end of today”. You then work through the steps up until the end of step four and as a result you successfully produce a cake.

However, although you love the fact you achieved your objective, you know you can improve on your result and so you tweak your focus and restart the steps.
You start with a focus of “I am focusing on baking a two tiered cake by the end of today”. You then work through the steps up until the end of step four and as a result you successfully produce a cake.

However, although you love the fact you achieved your objective, you again know you can improve on your result and so you tweak your focus again and restart the steps.
You start with a focus of “I am focusing on baking a three tiered cake by the end of today”. You then work through the steps up until the end of step four and as a result you successfully produce a cake.

After the third time of working through the four steps you feel satisfied and choose to stay with the result you have reached.
You smile smugly and feel better knowing, if you choose to, you can keep applying the steps at a later date to adjust and improve upon your latest result.
Hopefully you can now see with the latter simple example why you might want to keep working through the four steps when focusing on one objective. The FEEL4 steps literally tweak and improve upon any focus you set. They also help you adjust your focus to something different. For example you may initially focus on baking a cake but end up realising through your experience that you prefer to bake bread!
These rules apply to any focus, it does not have to be cooking, it may be you want to rebuild a car or learn to swim. Whatever your focus, the four steps will automatically lead you closer to a successful outcome.
The Order
Strictly speaking the order of the FEEL4 steps should be as follows:
Step 1 – Focus
Step 2 – Energize
Step 3 – Engage
Step 4 – Learn
However, the more you understand and use FEEL4 in your life the more you will realise that they intertwine with one another.
For example you may experience something which triggers a different order of the FEEL4 steps first. It might be that you are watching someone on a video sharing their healthy diet and that encourages you to want to go on the same diet. In this scenario you did not already have in place a step 1 focus to diet. Instead you were engaging (Step 3) with watching a video, you were learning (Step 4) about the diet and at the same time you felt energized (Step 2) to want to focus (Step 1) on following the diet yourself.
To clarify the latter order. The example shows that you undertook the FEEL4 steps in this order: Steps 3,2,4,1.
The point is the FEEL4 steps do intertwine. You can use them in varying orders. With experience you will learn how they interact with one another and in doing so you will gain a fresh view of life and note how you can turn anything into a positive.
Having said this, the default order should always be set out as: Steps 1,2,3,4.
The starting point should always return to understanding what your focus is. Once you have your focus you will naturally energize yourself to want to engage and learn whilst you travel down your path.
Congratulations you have finished Lesson 4. To continue please click open the Lesson 5 folder.
The Purpose Of Lesson 5
The purpose of this lesson is to teach you how to apply the four steps.
Baking A Cake
This baking example was touched upon in Lesson 4 but here we will detail how you might apply the FEEL4 steps.
The first thing you should always write down is your focus. What is it you want to do?
Regarding the way you phrase the wording of each step you should ideally use the personal (I) wording and use an active voice (e.g. I am focusing). Try and keep the focus-statement as succinct and specific as is possible and always state a deadline.
Step 1 – Focus: I am focusing on baking a Victoria Sandwich cake before 3pm today.
The next step is all about getting yourself into a healthy energetic state that will make you want to engage with any actions that lead to producing a cake.
The FEEL4 management technique encourages the use of listing because it is often easier to list what motivates you and gets you into a healthy state one line at a time. This way you can also add to or amend the list if you think of anything new later on.
Step 2 – Energize: I am feeling energized to want to take action and achieve my focus because:
1. I love cooking, it makes me feel happy!
2. My friend is coming for tea and she loves Victoria Sandwich cake and because she has just come out of hospital I want to surprise her and make her feel good.
3. I have ingredients which need to be used up by the end of today or else I will have to throw them in the bin tomorrow.
4. I have just walked my dog six miles and so I have earned the right to eat some cake knowing the calories have already been burnt off!
Can you see how listing makes the process of understanding what energizes you easier to write down? If you don’t like listing and prefer to write long paragraphs then by all means do so. These instructions are here to guide you, the main objective is for you to feel comfortable in using the steps and not hindered in any way. Working through the steps should feel natural and easy.
Understanding what energizes you to want to do something can also be extremely personal, hence what you have just read in the example is purely an example, it may be that your list would include a line that says, “My friend said they’d give me a bag of diamonds if I baked them a cake”. Only you will know what makes you feel motivated to do something.
Note also that step two is not just about feeling energized mentally, it is also about getting yourself into a healthy physical and spiritual state too. So depending on what it is you are achieving you may find your list includes a variety of things. Ultimately, if you only ever need one energizing factor to get you to engage and achieve your focus then do not over complicate this step. For example, if your sweater is on fire your number one energizing factor will most likely be to put the fire out ASAP so you don’t die! Use your common sense. Basically, if you do not feel you want to move on to step three and engage then you are doing step two incorrectly.
Step three is all about engaging. Engaging means to list out the action/s you need to take to attain your focus – stating a deadline – and then doing them! The sooner the better.
Step 3 – Engage: To achieve my focus I am engaging with doing the following things:
1. Searching Google to find and decide on which Victoria Sandwich recipe to use, within the next ten minutes.
2. Printing out and saving my chosen website page with the list of ingredients and instructions, within five minutes.
3. Going to the supermarket to buy the ingredients, by noon today.
4. Setting out the ingredients on the kitchen table in preparation, so I am ready to cook without distraction, within twenty minutes of returning from the supermarket.
5. Making the cake as per the recipe by the end of the day.
Note how it is good to use numbers to list what it is you need to engage with. This allows you to quickly find and reference the exact line you want to focus on engaging with or referring back to when you are adding your lessons learnt for step four; extremely useful when you have a very long list.
Also note that you can use step 3 as your FEEL4 journal. Each action can represent a historical timeline of what you engaged with each day. Keeping a daily journal is incredibly powerful and will help you remain on the right path.
Step 4 – Learn: I have learnt the following lessons which will help me to enjoy the experience so far, as well as improve and or tweak my path if I decide to undertake the steps again:
1. (Note this 1. refers to the step three reference number) I learnt the Mary Berry website and its cake recipe was set out the best, making it very easy to know what to do. I will definitely use this website for other cooking ideas.
2. I learnt that it will save me time to buy in spare ink cartridges for my printer because I ran out of ink when printing the recipe and had to go to the shop to buy one.
3. I learnt that it is useful to check if a supermarket sells a product online before leaving the house. When I arrived at the first supermarket I went to they told me they did not sell baking powder. This meant I had to go to two supermarkets to get what I needed.
4. I had already learnt from a similar cooking path that it is handy to have everything set out before cooking. I learnt that it will be even better next time around if I actually measure and weigh all the ingredients before starting (like the chefs do on TV) so that I can just instantly add the ingredients to the mixing bowl.
5. I learnt that I should preheat the oven before setting out the ingredients so the oven is up to temperature by the time I am ready to place the ingredients into it.
6. I learnt that it is useful also to make sure I have the correct sized baking tins before starting, I had to borrow some from my neighbour.
7. I learnt it is fun to lick the left over cake mixture after you have filled the tins.
8. I also learnt that I should set out the tools required for the recipe as well as the ingredients, it became quite messy having to constantly wash my hands to open cupboards to get at the mixing utensils.
9. I learnt I felt really proud of myself when the cake was done.
10. I learnt that I enjoyed decorating the cake most.
Do you see how adding lessons learnt in correlation with the step three actions will help you to improve upon your first attempt? At the end of step four you should have a list of tips which you can use the next time you wish to walk down the same path (or a similar path). This information can prove very useful and valuable. To elaborate, here we have been talking about baking a cake but imagine you are using FEEL4 to write a software program. Your lessons learned will provide some very valuable feedback to help you redesign and improve the program in version two and so on. This same logic applies to anything you want to do.
Learning is something which occurs throughout the four steps so it can be a time to list what other lessons you have learnt throughout your path. Perhaps you have learnt to phrase your step one focus statement better, maybe you learnt a new way to energize yourself. All of these lessons learnt can be noted in step four. Advanced users of FEEL4 will sometimes place lessons learnt alongside the first three steps but that technique is something to try when you have gained more experience.
It is also important to note that step four is not always about working through the steps over and over again, it can also be about understanding your experience and both celebrating and sharing your achievement so others may learn from your path. Additionally you should be soaking up all of the things that have made you feel better. One example is if your focus is to do a parachute jump for charity, in such a scenario you probably only want to do the jump once and feel great for doing it. You should always feel proud for the fact you have worked through the steps no matter the outcome. The point is you have tried your best and that truly is all you can ever do and all you should ever aspire to achieve.
Congratulations you have finished Lesson 5. To continue please click open the Summary folder.
At this stage of the course you should have a good basic knowledge of FEEL4. You should be able to apply the four steps to anything you wish to improve and succeed at.
Baking a cake was a very simplistic example used so that the majority of people will understand the basics of how to apply the four steps to different focuses. The aim is for you to take what you have learnt from Lessons 1-5 and apply it to your own situation. Remember the same FEEL4 logic applies to everything you apply it to. By nature it is dynamic and transferable.
Yes, from baking cakes to calming your mind FEEL4 uses the same four step process and mindset. Let’s put this logic to the test right now. Imagine your shoulders are feeling tense. Simply make your objective one of breathing deeply in and out for sixty seconds, start as soon as you have finished reading this paragraph. It literally is this simple to apply FEEL4. The idea is that you FOCUS on calming your mind, you ENERGIZE yourself at the thought of wanting to feel calmer, you ENGAGE by breathing deeply and you LEARN from your experience, making improvements as and when they are needed (i.e. if you find you prefer breathing in and out of your nose rather than your mouth then do so on your next breath).
Even though FEEL4 is simplistic in nature the more you use it the more you realise that it can handle extreme complexity. It can help simplify massive programmes of work. It can also incorporate project management tools into its third step to manage engagement activities. It can even help you improve your marriage. It can make you appreciative of every single moment, even those which may appear to be bad. It can do so much and incredibly we are merely at the beginning.
Why the beginning? Because FEEL4 has only just been released to the public. This means you are amongst the first pathfinders. In time, the more people who use it the more lessons learnt that will be shared to help others and the more the formula will be refined. The beauty is that, just like speaking a language, once people understand the FEEL4 formula, they will also mutually understand that it applies in exactly the same way to everything. Essentially this means anyone who understands FEEL4 can set out to achieve any objective no matter their experience or the subject matter. To repeat, it is like speaking a language that everyone understands to be able to know what they need to do to achieve something. To help this growth happen you are strongly encouraged to post about your experiences in the FEEL4 Community (Served by Google). If you have any questions about this course or anything else related to FEEL4 you can discuss them in the community.
Finally, if you always follow the FEEL4 ethos you can feel assured that your outcomes will always be rewarding and your life will improve. The only thing that will ever stop FEEL4 from improving a situation and making you feel better is YOU.
If you want to continue learning and discussing FEEL4 then please visit the discussion forum here
Also don't forget to read the FEEL4 guide.
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