Backed By The Science
At FEEL4 we see the four step methodology as being both a practice rooted in ancient wisdom, such as the 2500 year old Tao Te Ching, as well as a modern science. This is why we are committed to any scientific scrutiny to establish and continue to prove that the scientific evidence supports the practice of the four steps and their philosophy.
Let's examine the FEEL4 steps a little closer.
Step 1 - Focus - What specifically do you need to improve and accomplish (and when)?
In FEEL4 the first step you take is to focus on something. More specifically it is about getting you to define what it is you want to focus on and the result you want to achieve. This can be a focus in the moment such as watching a sunset and instantly achieving a mindful serenity and form of happiness, or it can be about focusing on a ten year life goal which will transform your lifestyle. The time-frame will vary depending on what you are focusing on.
Psychology Today states that "Goal-Setting Is Linked to Higher Achievement" in their article it goes on to say, "Research has uncovered many key aspects of goal setting theory and its link to success (Kleingeld, et al, 2011). Setting goals is linked with self-confidence, motivation, and autonomy (Locke & Lathan, 2006). A 2015 study by psychologist Gail Matthews showed when people wrote down their goals, they were 33% more successful in achieving them than those who formulated outcomes in their heads."
Forbes wrote this article about the importance of having a focus written down, "Neuroscience Explains Why You Need To Write Down Your Goals If You Actually Want To Achieve Them". The article enforces the FEEL4 use of journaling (written about in the book) by stating that "Vividly describing your goals in written form is strongly associated with goal success, and people who very vividly describe or picture their goals are anywhere from 1.2 to 1.4 times more likely to successfully accomplish their goals than people who don’t".
Forbes goes on to explain that "Encoding is the biological process by which the things we perceive travel to our brain’s hippocampus where they’re analyzed. From there, decisions are made about what gets stored in our long-term memory and, in turn, what gets discarded. Writing improves that encoding process. In other words, when you write it down it has a much greater chance of being remembered".
If you want to read and find more articles to back up the importance of having a focus then please take a look here at the latest Google search results.
Step 2 - Energize - What things will inspire, motivate and keep you in a healthy state to attain your focus?
Once you have your focus, the next FEEL4 step is about energizing yourself positively to want to engage with and achieve your goal. It is also about getting your body and mind into a healthy state to be able to physically and mentally be able to engage with the activities needed to achieve your focus.
There is huge scientific evidence to back up this step of FEEL4.
Both positivity and positive thinking are central to the FEEL4 code of conduct and are encouraged throughout each step. Step 2 though is when positive thinking and optimism are used to energize your mind and body into a peak condition.
This FEEL4 post explains how research has shown that "Optimists are more likely to live longer than those who have a more negative approach to life". The research also highlights discussions that those who are more optimistic in their approach to life are also less stressed and it is stress that attacks a weak immune system that causes illness and early death. Those who use FEEL4 develop a very strong ability to cope with stress and feel better about situations many others do not.
Physical and mental fitness is also promoted as part of step 2 of FEEL4. You are encouraged to feel pumped to want to engage by the time you have undertaken step 2. You are also encouraged to have a fit body to cope with the demands you may face when engaging with your activities. Having a fit body is scientifically proven to help prevent disease and to benefit the mind.
This research article was publish in the medical journal CMAJ-JAMC and studies the "Health benefits of physical activity: the evidence". In summary it goes on to say that "There is incontrovertible evidence that regular physical activity contributes to the primary and secondary prevention of several chronic diseases and is associated with a reduced risk of premature death".
If you want to read and find more articles to back up the importance of energizing then please take a look here at the latest Google search results.
Step 3 - Engage - What things do you have to do (and when) to attain your focus? Do them!
The third step of the FEEL4 methodology is simply about listing out and engaging with the activities needed to achieve your goal.
The scientific evidence around the health benefits of getting out and engaging with activities is also available in vast quantities. The beneficial effects generated by making progress and attaining what it is your want to achieve are numerous. Especially in relation to a project management approach the benefits you receive for completing a path can be substantial.
HealthLink BC set out the "Mental and Emotional Benefits of Activity" as follows:
Here are some of the benefits many people experience.
Decreases in:
Step 2 - Energize - What things will inspire, motivate and keep you in a healthy state to attain your focus?
Once you have your focus, the next FEEL4 step is about energizing yourself positively to want to engage with and achieve your goal. It is also about getting your body and mind into a healthy state to be able to physically and mentally be able to engage with the activities needed to achieve your focus.
There is huge scientific evidence to back up this step of FEEL4.
Both positivity and positive thinking are central to the FEEL4 code of conduct and are encouraged throughout each step. Step 2 though is when positive thinking and optimism are used to energize your mind and body into a peak condition.
This FEEL4 post explains how research has shown that "Optimists are more likely to live longer than those who have a more negative approach to life". The research also highlights discussions that those who are more optimistic in their approach to life are also less stressed and it is stress that attacks a weak immune system that causes illness and early death. Those who use FEEL4 develop a very strong ability to cope with stress and feel better about situations many others do not.
Physical and mental fitness is also promoted as part of step 2 of FEEL4. You are encouraged to feel pumped to want to engage by the time you have undertaken step 2. You are also encouraged to have a fit body to cope with the demands you may face when engaging with your activities. Having a fit body is scientifically proven to help prevent disease and to benefit the mind.
This research article was publish in the medical journal CMAJ-JAMC and studies the "Health benefits of physical activity: the evidence". In summary it goes on to say that "There is incontrovertible evidence that regular physical activity contributes to the primary and secondary prevention of several chronic diseases and is associated with a reduced risk of premature death".
If you want to read and find more articles to back up the importance of energizing then please take a look here at the latest Google search results.
Step 3 - Engage - What things do you have to do (and when) to attain your focus? Do them!
The third step of the FEEL4 methodology is simply about listing out and engaging with the activities needed to achieve your goal.
The scientific evidence around the health benefits of getting out and engaging with activities is also available in vast quantities. The beneficial effects generated by making progress and attaining what it is your want to achieve are numerous. Especially in relation to a project management approach the benefits you receive for completing a path can be substantial.
HealthLink BC set out the "Mental and Emotional Benefits of Activity" as follows:
Here are some of the benefits many people experience.
Decreases in:
- Anger
- Anxiety (worry and fear)
- Confusion
- Depression (you’ll likely be better at preventing, reducing, and managing depression)
- Headaches
- Stress and tension (you’ll likely be able to cope better with stress)
- Assertiveness (being able to ask for what you need and make decisions)
- Confidence and feeling able to do things
- Emotional stability (less troubled by life’s challenges and disappointments)
- Independence
- Memory
- Having a positive mood
- Perception (better at noticing what’s going on around you)
- Positive body image (feeling good about the way you look)
- Feeling of well-being
- Self-worth and self-esteem (feeling good about the way you see yourself)
Step 4 - Learn - What positive things have you learnt from the previous steps and what can you do next to improve your situation?
The final step is about learning positively from the whole experience so far. So throughout steps 1-3 you will have been learning. Even when you have had failures, with a positive mindset you are taught to look for reasons those failures occurred and how the experience can help you tweak or try something else to achieve your focus.
Harvard have written about how "Learning a new skill can slow cognitive aging". Research has long shown that new knowledge pays off. For example, a study in the June 2014 issue of Annals of Neurology found speaking two or more languages, even if you learned the second language in adulthood, may slow age-related cognitive decline.
If you want to read and find more articles to back up the importance of learning then please take a look here at the latest Google search results.
Scratching the Surface
The evidence surrounding how beneficial practising FEEL4 can be on your overall wellbeing is irrefutable. If you would like to research the benefits of FEEL4 then please contact us and we will be happy to get involved.