Your Negativity is Killing You

I came across this Impact Theory video and had to share it with as many people as I could.

I love hearing from life coaches with a proven track record of improving whatever it is they touch. In this case I am talking about Trevor Moawad. He is a renowned Mental Conditioning expert and strategic advisor to some of the world’s most elite performers.

In this Impact Theory video he really helps you to focus on the simple routes to improvement.

Let me draw your attention to my highlights.

Firstly, at 15mins54secs in, Trevor tells an amazing story about someone whose life changes because of some great SAT test results they received. I won't say anymore, watch it!

Secondly, at 15mins54secs in, Trevor tells another amazing story about a guy who dies in a train, watch it, then come back!

What gets me so excited about these stories is they show non BS proof that the mind is our biggest power. So whatever challenges you are facing, you are always in control of how you verbalise what you are going through. And from what Trevor is saying, you don't have to always be smiley smiley and positive positive, you can simply teach yourself to just not speak out loud about anything negative. And if you do, be warned, it will influence you to generate and perpetuate those negative feelings. If you say you are ugly out loud then guess what, you will feel ugly.

It is crazy how easy it is to give yourself a bit of an emotional boost. Do this now: Say these words out loud whilst maintaining a wide grin: I AM LOOKING GOOD TODAY! I AM AN AMAZING HUMAN! I FEEL GOOD!

Now - apart from those people who are always the ones to try and disprove something for the sake of it - I guarantee that you feel better after saying these things. Do it again and this time say those things looking in the mirror and dancing and I bet you feel your smile turn into laughter and you feel a buzz of happiness! Try it!

You see. This is the point, we are each in control of our own happiness and performance by way of our verbal ability to talk ourselves into feeling good and doing the things (or knowing not what to do - see full video) that we know will help us succeed.

That's it. I just wanted to bring this video to your focus. Perhaps you can focus on doing the exercise you just tried every day for at least a few minutes. Tweak it, change the wording to things that you want to hear.

I wish you a great day, as always, believe in goodness, it exists and you can spread it whenever you want by taking good actions.

Author: Christian Jacques Bennett



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