Weeds teach us the most powerful lesson of all

I think weeds get a bad press. They didn't create themselves to annoy gardeners. They are as much a part of nature as we are.
That aside, I think weeds offer us one of the most #powerful lessons in getting what you want. The power to #persevere and never give up on your #focus!
I mean just look at what weeds overcome. They get cut back, burnt, covered with chemicals... You name it they get it, gardeners also talk badly of them, calling them names. They are the most #bullied and #downtrodden plant there is...
And yet... They come back every time. They #change, #adapt, #overcome all challenges, until they sometimes dominate the space they're in.
What greater lesson can you have in maintaining focusing energizing engaging and learning?
This is also why #FEEL4 has this as one of its #goldenrules. Never give up!
So today I want to give #weeds the respect they deserve and hope you #feelbetter knowing if you copy their #mindset you will be #unstoppable at whatever you focus on achieving.
Namaste ✋
Author: Cn