What makes you feel down also makes you grow up

I'm walking #Bella along a heavily walked footpath and out of the corner of my eye I've spotted something.
By my foot, in the centre of the #path was this bush starting to grow. What fascinates me is I can see where the old (version 1.0 😆) had originally grown and had been cut back by walkers treading on it thousands of times.
This is one of those lessons from #nature which I love! 🥰 In life you will very likely get trodden on many times. Perhaps a nasty divorce, maybe you lose a limb in an accident, maybe you get overlooked in a promotion at work... Whatever it is, know this truth! Like a plant which gets cut back and trodden on, the power of nature in you means you will get new growth. You will come back stronger, grow bigger than ever before. Be more beautiful!
So the next time you feel down because of life's many challenges, shrug it off. Know this truth, that very circumstance and its challenges is only making you grow a better #life!
Have a great day!
Namaste ✋
Author: Cn