Quick update

Wow how time flies when you are having fun.
I thought I should better provide a quick update so people don't think the FEEL4 blog has stopped.
I mentioned this in another post but the reality is that FEEL4 works. The challenge for me right now is how much of my time do I want to put into promoting it...
I have suddenly realised that there is a slight irony in actually coming up with a formula for success that works. The irony is that when it works you don't necessarily want to go down the route of spending all of your time telling people about it.
Let me be clearer. I want to improve everyone's life. FEEL4 will do that. But life is about balance and right now unless someone contacts me via my consulting website to help them I am going to carry on enjoying all of the rewards FEEL4 brings me.
So right now life is good. I am focusing on a specific FEEL4 path and when that is done I may come back and do all the marketing and promoting and write more posts.
Author: Cn