FEEL4 is the blueprint Tony Robbins is talking about which will help you find yourself again

FEEL4 is the blueprint

I wanted to share this video with you because Tony is sharing some brilliant insight into how you can find yourself again if you are feeling lost.

What do I mean by "feeling lost". I am talking about you feeling despondent in life. This tends to happen around middle age but anyone at any age can feel lost. It may be you are teenager just out of school and you simply cannot decide what to do with your life. Perhaps you have just lost someone dear and you were about to retire and see them more often. So many lives, so many different reasons to feel lost. Yet there is a common theme which Tony explains in the video.

People tend to feel lost and depressed about life because they have a story they have consciously or subconsciously told themselves. It is so powerful that if something in life ruins that story or threatens it, you feel down, you feel lost.

That story can also be considered a blueprint that you are managing your life against. The trouble is that blueprint tends not to be flexible. If you feel it is getting destroyed you can simply give up. But what if I was to say to you that there is a blueprint which can adapt and change with life, one that guides you to get the most out of a life situation, especially if it changes. Well there is and it is called FEEL4.

As Tony says in the video if you start believing that your life doesn't match your blueprint and you have no control to change it, that is when people suffer. FEEL4 provides you with an endlessly flexible framework to which you can manage your life. It gives you control and it will also help you manage your expectations.

Give me an example!

Okay so let's pretend you are in your early 20s and you have learnt FEEL4 and already use it in your life. As an example let's say that your first overarching Relationships path is set out as follows:


My overarching focus is to be healthy in mind, body and spirit for my entire life.

This is one of my paths which will help make this happen:



I am focusing on having a toned body and feeling fit constantly.


I feel energized because:

1. I want to feel fit and healthy

2. I want be attractive to people I fancy

3. I want to show myself that being fit can be done with perseverance

4. I want to live longer to see my family grow old and all of the things that come with it

5. I want to have fun doing sports like kayaking and enjoying walks

6. I want to feel in control of my happiness

7. I want to remain sane

8. I don’t want to kill myself by being depressed and not coping

9. I want to be able to help others too by me being fit and healthy


1. I am engaging with joining my local gym / I have learnt that it is worth paying more membership for better machines and facilities like a pool.

2. I am engaging with walking my dog on an hour's walk morning and evening / I have learnt that it is more fun changing my walks from the seafront to the country.

3. I am engaging with eating the right healthy foods to help my body grow and remain strong / I have learnt that I feel so much better when I don't eat sweets and stick to fresh organic fruit and vegetables.

.... etc ....
Everything looks great. Your FEEL4 blueprint to having a toned body and feeling fit is all set. You have been doing it for 2 months and you feel awesome. Then along comes "LIFE" and does its thing. You find yourself in a car accident and as a result you lose both of your legs. To add to the pain it wasn't even your fault, it was a drunken driver who hit you. So what next?

A human's standard blueprint (aka the story they have set themselves as they've grown up - their life expectations) is usually torn into pieces. I'm not just talking about the natural grieving process, I am talking about years after a terrible event that rocks you world. Whether it be a divorce, death or anything else traumatic. Most people cannot find their way back to the happiness their blueprint had falsely convinced them was a god like certainty. Most people fall into a state of depression and sulking. Many look to others, like god, to somehow appear in front of them and wave a magic wand to make it all seem better.

However, those who practice FEEL4 are flexible to such an event. Yes they have lost their legs and yes their life has changed. But unlike most, with a FEEL4 mindset so too can their blueprint change. They also know that FEEL4's ultimate end result is it makes you feel better.

Tao Te Ching (#76)

A man is born gentle and weak.

At his death he is hard and stiff.

Green plants are tender and filled with sap.

At their death they are withered and dry.

Therefore the stiff and unbending is the disciple of death.

The gentle and yielding is the disciple of life.

Thus an army without flexibility never wins a battle.

A tree that is unbending is easily broken.

The hard and strong will fall.

The soft and weak will overcome.

For thousands of years the Tao Te Ching has offered its timeless advice. This verse is stressing the importance of flexibility if you want to stay young and embrace life. FEEL4 is based on this principle. It is adaptable and it leads you towards kind actions and positive feelings. It makes you feel better for walking its path.

In the case of this example where a car accident has led to the loss of your legs. A FEEL4 pathfinder (someone who uses FEEL4 in their life) would simply keep their path as follows but perhaps add to the lessons learnt:


My overarching focus is to be healthy in mind, body and spirit for my entire life.

This is one of my paths which will help make this happen:



I am focusing on having a toned body and feeling fit constantly.


I feel energized because:

1. I want to feel fit and healthy

2. I want be attractive to people I fancy

3. I want to show myself that being fit can be done with perseverance

4. I want to live longer to see my family grow old and all of the things that come with it

5. I want to have fun doing sports like kayaking and enjoying walks

6. I want to feel in control of my happiness

7. I want to remain sane

8. I don’t want to kill myself by being depressed and not coping

9. I want to be able to help others too by me being fit and healthy


1. I am engaging with joining my local gym / I have learnt that it is worth paying more membership for better machines and facilities like a pool / I have learnt that having no legs makes me more buoyant and it is fun having a whole new body shape to master.

2. I am engaging with walking my dog on an hour's walk morning and evening / I have learnt that it is more fun changing my walks from the seafront to the country / I have learnt that using a mobility scooter is a great way to get outside and give my dog a lift back home if he gets too tired; ultimately I can still exercise my new body by doing pull-ups on one of the metal bars that are in the local park, they are the perfect height above my scooter to grab a hold of (and it makes my dog go nuts with excitement).

3. I am engaging with eating the right healthy foods to help my body grow and remain strong / I have learnt that I feel so much better when I don't eat sweets and stick to fresh organic fruit and vegetables / I have learnt that my diet doesn't care if I have legs or not, good food is good food.

.... etc ....
FEEL4 is brilliant because you can learn it rapidly but you can also take a life time to master it. This means that it never gets boring, it grows with you. The example given could have been different. Perhaps you can think of better ones?

Billy Monger

Did you hear the true life story Billy Monger, a teenage car racing driver who was in a serious crash and lost both his legs. He is a great example of someone who has been flexible and has adjusted his blueprint. He is now racing again, doing what he loves. He didn't remain latched onto the fact he lost his legs, he adapted and adjusted his blueprint. Take a look at his story:

Author: Cn



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