Do you have a food intolerance or allergy
I am learning that more and more people are complaining of feeling ill as a result of the food they eat. Are you?
I myself have thought I have been intolerant to dairy produce for years. I stopped ingesting most dairy products for about two or more years at one point but eventually the call of chocolate, cheese and milk pulled me back again.
Now, in my forties, I am finding that something is weakening me. And no it is not just the fact that I am getting older. I am noticing that when I eat certain foods I am getting really tired, to the point I have to fall asleep. I am also finding sitting on the toilet beckons me after eating dairy foods. Just being honest!
Interestingly my brother (just a few years older) has also been experiencing serious issues with eating both dairy and fruit, to the point he is physically sick and almost knocked out cold.
Does any of this sound familiar to your experience, or someone you know?
Well how about we apply the FEEL4 formula to finding a path to some answers that will help us once and for all. Okay let's do this!
I am focusing on finding out more about food intolerance and allergies and which one I have so that I can feel better as soon as is realistically possible.
I feel energized to want to pursue this four step path because I am keen to stop feeling crap most of the time when I eat certain foods. The thought of feeling energetic and healthy is a great driving force to getting this focus accomplished quickly. I want to be fit enough to take my daughter out and about and my dog Bella, without feeling lethargic.
I am engaging and learning things via the following actions:
1. I am engaging with searching Google with this search term: "finding out more about food intolerance and allergies"
1.1 I am learning that there are many types of intolerances as per this article from Histamine, Lactose, Wheat, Oral Allergy Syndrome, Aspirin & Salicylates.
1.2 I am learning that it can take hours and days for a reaction to occur hence it is very important to keep a food diary. Every time you eat note down what you have eaten, the time and date and how you feel (Note, sticking to the FEEL4 Guide rules, ideally this food diary should be part of the FEEL4 journal you are using for this path). The reactions range from bloating, diarrhoea, sore throat, itchy eyes, sneezing, joint pain, eczema, nausea and vomiting and if any of these occur you must note them down; eventually you should see over time that there may be one particular food source that you ate amongst all of the others that is recurring every time you have this reaction. If you notice more than one food source, the next step is to eliminate both from your diet and then introduce only one of them back to see if you have the same reaction again, if not you know it is the other one (then try the guilty food again to see if you are right).
1.3 I am learning that there is currently no intolerance test for Gluten.
2. I am engaging with searching YouTube with this search term: "food intolerance or allergy"
2.1 I am learning that THIS VIDEO was the quickest to watch and provided the facts I wanted.
2.1.1 I am learning that a food intolerance and allergy are completely different. You cannot die from being intolerant to foods whereas being allergic (in the worst case scenario) could lead to an anaphylactic shock.
2.1.2 I am learning that if you do have an allergy then you are what is known as having a "Type 1" or "Immediate Response" allergy. This is where your body's blood stream suddenly gets increased levels of antibodies called IGEs which in turn trigger a histamine reaction. This reaction is watery eyes, runny nose, rashes, swelling and coughing. An anaphylactic shock is the worse case scenario.
2.1.3 I am learning that food intolerance is associated with antibodies called IGG and IGM. These work on a specific level for body organs or functions. Intolerance is mostly related to the digestive system where food cannot be properly broken down. This may be due to enzyme deficiencies, sensitivities and or reactions to chemicals like lactose. These can occur days or weeks after food is ingested.
Final Notes...
So it seems to me the way forward is to definitely keep a food diary to truly pinpoint what foods are having a negative effect on you and how long it takes to do this. It seems that patience is the key here, it is likely going to take months or longer to truly understand your body's intricacies.
I also am a great believer in common sense and doing the obvious. So for example, if you have just run a marathon and then eat cheese, feeling tired is more likely due to the marathon. It is also wise to seek advice from your doctor and undertake an allergy test. If you really want to avoid a doctor (not always recommended) then I would go for the DNAfit test >>>
Here is a review of the DNAfit test so you can see if it is worth paying £244 / $320.
The advantages to using a DNA kit compared to the cheaper tests you find is the fact that your DNA tends not lie about what foods you need. It is your ultimate body blueprint. I appreciate that it seems a lot of money but you have to ask yourself is your health worth it?
Hope this path has helped you find out some answers and get closer to being free of food intolerances or allergies. I also have a theory that when our body experiences stress and different temperatures, it can lead to more sensitivity to food, that is why sometimes you feel fine and other times you don't. I also believe that are body has levels, and so sometimes we can eat dairy foods and feel fine but if we eat too much and the levels start to overflow, that is when issues begin. What do you think?
Author: Cn
The World Allergy Organisation (WAO) estimate of allergy prevalence of the whole population by country ranges between 10 - 40% (Pawankar R, et al, 2013)*
More than 150 million Europeans suffer from chronic allergic diseases and the current prediction is that by 2025 half of the entire EU population will be affected (EAACI, 2016)*Words that are being thrown around a lot include: Fructose, Intolerance, Dairy, Lactose, Lactate, Allergy ... and the rest!
I myself have thought I have been intolerant to dairy produce for years. I stopped ingesting most dairy products for about two or more years at one point but eventually the call of chocolate, cheese and milk pulled me back again.
Now, in my forties, I am finding that something is weakening me. And no it is not just the fact that I am getting older. I am noticing that when I eat certain foods I am getting really tired, to the point I have to fall asleep. I am also finding sitting on the toilet beckons me after eating dairy foods. Just being honest!
Interestingly my brother (just a few years older) has also been experiencing serious issues with eating both dairy and fruit, to the point he is physically sick and almost knocked out cold.
Does any of this sound familiar to your experience, or someone you know?
Well how about we apply the FEEL4 formula to finding a path to some answers that will help us once and for all. Okay let's do this!
FOCUSI am focusing on finding out more about food intolerance and allergies and which one I have so that I can feel better as soon as is realistically possible.
I feel energized to want to pursue this four step path because I am keen to stop feeling crap most of the time when I eat certain foods. The thought of feeling energetic and healthy is a great driving force to getting this focus accomplished quickly. I want to be fit enough to take my daughter out and about and my dog Bella, without feeling lethargic.
I am engaging and learning things via the following actions:
1. I am engaging with searching Google with this search term: "finding out more about food intolerance and allergies"
1.1 I am learning that there are many types of intolerances as per this article from Histamine, Lactose, Wheat, Oral Allergy Syndrome, Aspirin & Salicylates.
1.2 I am learning that it can take hours and days for a reaction to occur hence it is very important to keep a food diary. Every time you eat note down what you have eaten, the time and date and how you feel (Note, sticking to the FEEL4 Guide rules, ideally this food diary should be part of the FEEL4 journal you are using for this path). The reactions range from bloating, diarrhoea, sore throat, itchy eyes, sneezing, joint pain, eczema, nausea and vomiting and if any of these occur you must note them down; eventually you should see over time that there may be one particular food source that you ate amongst all of the others that is recurring every time you have this reaction. If you notice more than one food source, the next step is to eliminate both from your diet and then introduce only one of them back to see if you have the same reaction again, if not you know it is the other one (then try the guilty food again to see if you are right).
1.3 I am learning that there is currently no intolerance test for Gluten.
2. I am engaging with searching YouTube with this search term: "food intolerance or allergy"
2.1 I am learning that THIS VIDEO was the quickest to watch and provided the facts I wanted.
2.1.1 I am learning that a food intolerance and allergy are completely different. You cannot die from being intolerant to foods whereas being allergic (in the worst case scenario) could lead to an anaphylactic shock.
2.1.2 I am learning that if you do have an allergy then you are what is known as having a "Type 1" or "Immediate Response" allergy. This is where your body's blood stream suddenly gets increased levels of antibodies called IGEs which in turn trigger a histamine reaction. This reaction is watery eyes, runny nose, rashes, swelling and coughing. An anaphylactic shock is the worse case scenario.
2.1.3 I am learning that food intolerance is associated with antibodies called IGG and IGM. These work on a specific level for body organs or functions. Intolerance is mostly related to the digestive system where food cannot be properly broken down. This may be due to enzyme deficiencies, sensitivities and or reactions to chemicals like lactose. These can occur days or weeks after food is ingested.
So it seems to me the way forward is to definitely keep a food diary to truly pinpoint what foods are having a negative effect on you and how long it takes to do this. It seems that patience is the key here, it is likely going to take months or longer to truly understand your body's intricacies.
I also am a great believer in common sense and doing the obvious. So for example, if you have just run a marathon and then eat cheese, feeling tired is more likely due to the marathon. It is also wise to seek advice from your doctor and undertake an allergy test. If you really want to avoid a doctor (not always recommended) then I would go for the DNAfit test >>>
Here is a review of the DNAfit test so you can see if it is worth paying £244 / $320.
The advantages to using a DNA kit compared to the cheaper tests you find is the fact that your DNA tends not lie about what foods you need. It is your ultimate body blueprint. I appreciate that it seems a lot of money but you have to ask yourself is your health worth it?
Hope this path has helped you find out some answers and get closer to being free of food intolerances or allergies. I also have a theory that when our body experiences stress and different temperatures, it can lead to more sensitivity to food, that is why sometimes you feel fine and other times you don't. I also believe that are body has levels, and so sometimes we can eat dairy foods and feel fine but if we eat too much and the levels start to overflow, that is when issues begin. What do you think?
Author: Cn